Welcome to all of you who helped support my trip to Haiti. Your prayer, thoughts, and financial support deeply impacted the lives of those living in Limbe and Cap-Haitien, Haiti. Read on to hear how our trip went and who we impacted, as well as, see pictures of our experience there. Blessings to you all and thank you for your support! It has meant so much to me!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Get a glimpse of Haiti's scenery!

I would first like to show you a glimpse into the country side and culture of Haiti. Below are several pictures representing this tropical island. The country side was beautiful, however noticeably in some of the pictures poverty and lack of sanitation has left most waterways polluted. To get a full view both the beautiful side and the rough side of Haiti must be shown.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Gratitude in my Heart to You All

 Let me start off by saying, "Thank you!" Thank you for being apart of this experience and for supporting me through this adventure. Through this journey I have been deeply impacted by seeing life from a different perspective, from seeing overwhelming hardship and poverty, and from truly realizing just how much God transcends over cultures, distances and generations. Thank you for supporting and encouraging me through this life altering experience.

It has been over three months since I returned from Haiti. I have been meaning to write all of you sooner, but it has taken me a while to process my experience, and truly understand all that I've learned (and I'm afraid I'm still processing through it today). I returned from Haiti very tired and some what overwhelmed by my involvement there. I have spent weeks and months thinking through what I saw, people I've meant, and getting ready to start another crazy semester of nursing school. I have been thinking about you all as well. I have been just incredibly thankful that I have had such awesome people in my life, and people that tend to support me through whatever crazy adventures I find myself in. To be honest my time in Haiti was probably more difficult and trying then I would have hoped. It took me a while to process and during my processing school started. Every weeks since I have thought about you all and the need for me to express my gratitude. So please forgive me for my distance and lack of communication. Please know that I have not forgotten your faithfulness, and love for me. Also, I wish that you continue to know just how thankful I am, and how much your support has blessed the people of Haiti. Let me share with you a bit of our experience there...